Celebrating a Win for Integrity: How the FTC’s New Review Rules Benefit Ethical Home Services Contractors

At The Stillwater Agency, we’ve always believed in the power of integrity and transparency in the digital world. We specialize in partnering with well-established home services companies that take pride in their ethical practices and exceptional service. Today, we’re excited to share some great news that aligns perfectly with our values: the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has rolled out new regulations to tackle fake reviews and deceptive practices. This legislation is a monumental win for us and, more importantly, for our clients.

Why This Legislation Matters

For years, the online review space has been tainted by unethical practices. Some of our client's competitors (and ours: their marketing agencies) have resorted to shady tactics like posting fake reviews on their Google Business Profiles, offering incentives for five-star reviews, and employing other methods to mislead potential customers. These actions undermine the trust in online reviews and create an unfair playing field for honest businesses that refuse to engage in such practices.

The FTC’s new rules are here to change that, promoting transparency and fairness across the board. Here’s a quick rundown of what these new regulations entail:

  • No Fake Reviews: The rule now strictly prohibits creating, buying, selling, or sharing fake reviews, including those generated by AI.

  • No Bribes for Positive Reviews: Businesses can no longer offer incentives or rewards in exchange for positive reviews. This practice has long been against Google’s guidelines, though many business owners were unaware of this.

  • Honesty About Connections: Reviewers must disclose any affiliations or connections with the business they’re reviewing. For example, if a vendor or employee leaves a review, they must clearly state their relationship with the company.

  • No Bullying to Remove Negative Reviews: Businesses are forbidden from using threats or coercion to force customers to remove negative reviews. For example, sending a legal letter to a customer who left you a one-star review demanding they remove it. However, you can still address inaccurate or misleading reviews.

  • No Fake Popularity: Purchasing or selling fake likes, followers, or views on social media is now explicitly banned.

A Triumph for Ethical Contractors

This new legislation is a significant victory for our clients—home services contractors who have always adhered to high standards of integrity. These contractors focus on delivering outstanding service without resorting to deceptive review practices.

We expect these new regulations will level the playing field, allowing our ethical clients to stand out even more. As fake reviews disappear from competitor profiles, their true star ratings will show, and our clients—who play by the rules—will outshine them on platforms like Google My Business. 

Looking Ahead

The FTC’s new regulations are a big step toward creating a more transparent and fair digital marketplace. For home services contractors who have always operated with integrity, this legislation is a much-needed validation of their commitment to ethical practices.

At The Stillwater Agency, we see this development as a win for our clients and the entire industry. We’re excited about the future, where honest feedback becomes the norm and companies that uphold ethical practices lead the way.

If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you navigate these changes and enhance your digital marketing strategy, don’t hesitate to reach out! The full text of the FTC ruling can be read by clicking here.

Christina Hoffmann

Christina Hoffmann Harmon is the founder of The Stillwater Agency, a digital marketing agency located in greater Washington, D.C. She is an expert in local SEO, content writing, website design and development, and paid advertising.


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